Juvenal Sansó - Art Quest Between Two Worlds
Galerie Stephanie

Juvenal Sansó - Art Quest Between Two Worlds

Regular price ₱1,000.00 Unit price per

Text: Rod Paras-Perez

9 x 12 in

Hardbound with jacket, 147 pages

A monograph of the Spanish artist Juvenal Sanso written by Rod Paras-Perez, with an introduction by Nick Joaquin. Joaquin wrote, "The art of Sanso belongs to a fantastic world. The flower compositions, the landscapes, reveal a mysterious universe full of magic. It is this wonderment that gives his paintings their beauty and renders them both unique and unforgettable. Starting with realistic designs of beautifully firm strokes, he creates visions of nature yet unseen, where the accumulation of certain elements like spongy rocks, mounds of stones, bamboo scaffoldings, form dream landscapes of singular greatness."